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Effective Leadership is Essential - Making and Keeping Fort Bend the Safest and Most Family-Friendly and Business-Friendly County in the State.

Commissioner Meyers with Law Enforcement Officers
  • Andy successfully initiated and passed a Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance, which deters human trafficking in the county and successfully worked with other county officials to defeat an effort to eliminate such Ordinances.

  • Commissioner Meyers is responsible for dramatically increasing the number of Law Enforcement patrols in the county.

    • He pioneered the “Contract Deputy Program,” adding an additional 100 Deputies in our neighborhoods.

    • Andy’s efforts resulted in a 16% increase in pay for first responders, and he successfully proposed that the county waive its law academy tuition and pay cadets to attend class in exchange for them going to work for the county; these efforts reduced law enforcement vacancies significantly.

  • Andy created Fort Bend Charities, raising nearly $2 million to help women, children, and the homeless and to provide scholarships to area students.

  • Andy, together with a fellow Baptist Deacon, initiated the efforts that became “Living Water International,” which has helped hundreds of thousands worldwide overcome debilitating poverty due to waterborne diseases and parasites or the lack of available potable water.

  • Andy and his late wife Janet worked with fellow Sugar Creek Baptist church members to form “Second Mile Mission,” which continues to feed, clothe, and treat the medical problems of those in need.

  • Commissioner Meyers initiated successful efforts to improve the health and safety of 4-Corners, a minority community with limited resources, that provided critical water and sewer services and a 10-acre park and community center.

  • Andy is working to repair and upgrade the water, sewer, and drainage for the 5th Street Area, another neighborhood lacking sufficient resources.

  • Andy initiated building three libraries, the North County Annex, a Safety Annex, and four county parks, including the first Cricket Fields and the first Pickleball Courts in the county.

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